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USAToday Reports On Effects of Gas Prices On Vegas Tourism

USAToday Reports On Effects of Gas Prices On Las Vegas TourismWith gas prices up to $4 in areas of the country, and airlines raising ticket prices to compensate for rising fuel costs, it’s only natural that some people might be cancelling or postponing trips to Las Vegas. This week, USAToday reported on how the combination of a slower economy and higher fuel costs are having on tourism in Vegas.

Though business on the Strip is still going strong and growing, that growth is slowing down. According to the article, the level of play at gaming establishments is down 4.4% from last year at the same time. The fraction of gaming positions (basically, how many available seats in the casino, including tables and slots) occupied on an average basis is down almost a tenth of a percent, as well.

So basically, while Las Vegas appears to be experiencing a new renaissance, with a host of new resorts and casinos in the planning and building stages, the tourism and gambling percentages are down slightly. And as long the economy and gas prices continue the way they are, they will continue to slow.

You can read the full article yourself: Las Vegas Strip feels pinch of economy, gas prices.

What do you think? Are the high gas prices making you rethink your trip to Las Vegas?