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Reports From the Grand Opening of Cirque du Soliel’s LOVE

Reports From the Grand Opening of Cirque du Soliel's LOVE in Las VegasCirque du Soliel’s new show LOVE seems to have been one of the biggest things to hit Vegas in years, from the way people are gushing about it. June 30 was the grand opening celebration for the show (even though it’s been open since the beginning of the month, this was THE celebration for it) and several media outlets have posted early news and reviews from the show:

Robin Leach has the most comprehensive report — with photos, yet! You can always trust the king of luxe to get the insider scoop.

KLAS-TV (CBS) has a review and video interviews from opening night to watch.

Lenny at the Las Vegas Review Journal talks about the show. It looks like there should be photos, but they aren’t showing up.

CBC (Canadian Broadcasting Corp) has news and photos from the red carpet.

BBC offers pre-event footage showing interviews and clips from the show’s musical numbers.

I’m sure as the weekend comes to a close, there will be even more press about the events over the weekend, and reviews of the show itself. We’ll keep you posted.

With an estimated $35 million riding on LOVE, it seems the gamble is paying off, in a big way.

Have you seen the show? What do you think?